Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Job Search Tax Benefit

For many of us, we spend the majority of our day on the job and the hours we typically devote to our work seem to grow even greater during rocky economic times. However, in addition to a paycheck, experience and hopefully some degree of satisfaction, we receive a number of benefits that have important tax implications, one of which pertains to our job search efforts.

Many unreimbursed expenses incurred as a result of employment are deductible as miscellaneous itemized deductions, though they can only be claimed to the extent they are greater than 2% of adjusted gross income.

Included among these expenses are job search costs. These expenses are deductible if the search is for a job in the same line of work, regardless of whether a new position is obtained. However, if a period of unemployment is lengthy, the IRS may disallow the deduction. Also, expenses for finding a first job are not deductible.